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MTHFR Gene Mutation

Today I’d like to raise awareness of a very serious gene mutation on the MTHFR. Few doctors even know about it I know mine didn’t. MTHFR is Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) is an enzyme. MTHFR. This is a defective gene causing a missing enzyme that makes it difficult or impossible to methylate folate which then affects your bodies ability in many other methylating functions. Here is a great link that describes MTHFR and some of the effects.

Well it’s been a long road with trying to get well. I am so grateful that I learned about MTHFR testing from my cousin Adri. I had never heard of it before, but now I feel like I can start to really treat the source of the real problem. After this past summer of exercising again I noticed that I was extremely exhausted all the time and not feeling energized after a workout but actually it depleted me. I’ve also been suffering from memory loss. I noticed it more last year when I’d get a reminder text and would forget it completely with in an hour. Missing important meetings, kids scouts etc. being a mom of 5 busy kids it was just too much. I knew something was wrong with me and I could feel myself getting worse. So I took a bunch of blood tests while I still had insurance and I found out that I was homozygous with two mutations 677TT on the MTHFR gene.

Having 2 mutations the methylation in my cells functions at 20-30%. This impairs my ability to metabolize and get rid of toxins. About 5-10% of people have two mutations, and about 40% have 1. Knowing I have this mutation is a blessing Because knowing you have it means you can do something about it!. It’s times like these that I wish I had the light and knowledge I have now because it affected my life in a huge way; including suffering from Estrogen dominance which led to my diseased gall bladder, hysterectomy, severe anxiety, anemia, and chronic fatigue, my impaired memory, and even affected my milk supply from the epidural as well as taking Tylenol. A more detailed article about that is here. Many of my kids probably have inherited this mutation from me. So it’s important to get all my kids MTHFR tested.

When I was pregnant the doctor told me to take 400 mg of folic acid but that was actually very detrimental to someone like myself who can’t methylate it and ends up accumulating in my body blocking my ability to absorb natural folate. Research suggests that an acid, called valproic acid, can disrupt folate metabolism early in pregnancy—inducing autism. A few of my kids suffer from being on the Autistic Spectrum. Madison suffered greatly because of it.

Also because of this mutation women can have children with neural tubal defects such at the pectus excavatum where the chest is caved in. Garrett was born with that. That happened because I could not methylate properly. There is more information about this here:

What a defective MTHFR gene does to you

It produces a defective MTHFR enzyme of different varieties i.e. it functions less than optimally, such as performing at only 30% of its capacity, or 70% of its capacity. It can mean you won’t break down toxins well.

The defective enzyme doesn’t break down folate vitamins properly (of which folic acid is one), which can cause high homocysteine, which can increase your risk of coronary heart disease (arteriosclerotic vascular disease or venous thrombosis), and related heart and BP conditions, as well as increasing your risk for dementia.

  1. Homocysteine is poorly converted to glutathione, which is your body’s chief antioxidant and detoxifier. You are then more susceptible to stress and toxin buildup.

  2. Homocysteine is poorly converted to methionine, and less methionine can raise your risk of arteriosclerosis, fatty liver degenerative disease, anemia, increased inflammation, increased free radical damage… and produce less SAM-e

  3. Less SAM-e can increase depression

  4. And more broadly, an MTHFR defect can increase your risk of a variety of cancers (including breast and prostate cancer), stroke, heart problems, congenital defects, depression, IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), miscarriages, migraines, chemical sensitivities and many conditions.

  5. You can find yourself with high folate or high B12. i.e. your body will have problems converting inactive forms of folate and B12 to the active forms. So the inactive folate or B12 will simply build up in your serum, also inhibiting the active forms.

  6. You may find yourself with high mercury, or high copper, or high other heavy metals….though not always. High copper can cause low iron levels.

  7. The journal Molecular Psychiatry states that “Schizophrenia-like syndromes, bipolar disorder, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia have all been associated with one or more mutations of the MTHFR gene”. (2006;11, 352–360

My main concern is that I will be able to prevent Dementia and Cancer which I'm very prone to having.

The MTHFR C677T variant helps to convert homocysteine to methionine in the methylation pathway. It reduces the enzyme’s activity which elevates the homocysteine blood level slightly, significantly increasing the requirement for folate . [4]This enzyme pathway has global effects for immune function, muscle metabolism, neurochemical production and regulation, and detoxification.

Thus, every system in the body can be affected by the state of the glutathione system, especially the immune system, the nervous system, the gastrointestinal system and the lungs. (10) A breakdown in methylation puts one at higher risk for conditions like osteoporosis, diabetes, cervical dysplasia and cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer, depression, pediatric cognitive dysfunction ( mood and other behavioral disorders), dementia, and stroke.(7)

Now that I’m older and have had a hysterectomy I should be taking Choline which helps your methylation of estrogen and brain function . I also need to be taking Taurine because my gall bladder was removed, which is supposed to help bile flow and sludge for digestive brain health and detox.

Ideally you should have a complete testing. At the Utah Valley Health Clinic you can have a full BioMeridian Testing. It would be a lot better to find a Homeopath practitioner who can help you through this and who can run the appropriate tests to figure out what you actually need to work on and how your treatment efforts are progressing. Appointments are out a few months and the cost $260 but it’s important to treat the whole me.

I talked to a nurse at the Homeopathy Clinic and she gave me a recommendation of things and after my visit I may change a few things. But I still am searching the best Detox regimen. Here is the list of recommended things to take:

5 mg. L Methylfolate ( homogenous needs to take more 5mg. taking more than that causes bad side effects)

20,000 mcg Methylcobalamin B12

Acetyl Glutathione liquid in cheeks

Betaine in the form of TMG (aids in methylation)

NAC ( N-Acetyl Cysetine amino acid) 800-1600 mg

Silymarin (Milk Thistle)

HCL hydrochloric acid for digestion aid

Coenzyme Q-10 (helps cells function and transfer energy/ cardiovascular health)

EPA/DHA(fatty acids good for cognition neuro protective & cardiovascular health)

Nattokinase( an enzyme that helps with circulation and pain chronic fatigue

Vitamin C

Astxanthin (powerful antioxidant)

Fermented Cod Liver Oil (D)

250 mpg of Curcumin (detoxifier)


a good multivitamin that includes the following:


Riboflavin B2


Vitamin E




Epsom Salts

I’m grateful for the health journey I’ve already started to take a few years back which has helped me half way already, and is making it easier. It’s important to eat a nutrient-dense diet and maximize digestion and absorption. Keep in mind that everything you put into your mouth either supports health or helps tear it down, and opt for support every time you can.

It’s also important to avoid caffeine because it depletes B vitamins and of course avoid sugar and alcohol like the plague.

Here are some very interesting things I found about Folic Acid which is synthetic :

We really should be looking to get rid of folic acid enriched foods which is in practically EVERYTHING! Dr Fuhrman gives facts and figures showing how very differently they each affect our bodies. Here’s a real zinger: In an article published by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers collected data on womens’ folic acid intake from multivitamins over a 10 year period. They found that women who took multivitamins containing folic acid were more likely to be diagnosed with breast cancer than those who did not.

He reports that in another study people taking folic acid for more than three years increased their risk of having a colorectal adenoma by 35%!

Folic acid, which is now in almost all prenatal vitamins, was found to increase the risk of childhood asthma by 26%! At another site I learned that a Johns Hopkins research study of more than 8,000 people found those with higher levels of folate had fewer IgE antibodies, showing they had fewer allergies and less asthma. Those with the lowest folate levels had a 40% greater risk of wheezing than people with the highest levels.

In a six-year Norwegian study, it was learned that those taking folic acid along with other B vitamins were 43% more likely to die from cancer than those who did NOT supplement with this artificial form of the vitamin.

Look out, folks! Folic acid, not the natural folate, is in almost all multivitamins and prenatal vitamins. Yet folic acid is chemically very different from folate. The body uses it differently. There are limits to how much folic acid the intestines can change into a more useable form of folate, and the excess, unmodified folic acid goes into the circulation in unmodified, alien form. And, though scientists don’t even know what this excess folic acid circulating in our bodies does, it is mandated to be added to flour and vitamin products! It’s possible, even likely, that an even larger cancer epidemic is developing because of this.

Instead of encouraging pregnant women to get lots of natural folate from veggies and beans, they are all taking folic acid, which is putting them at risk of breast cancer down the road. Not only this, but there are many other nutrients found in green veggies that these women aren’t getting, and therefore their fetuses aren’t getting, because they likely feel the vitamin supplements cover all the bases. Childhood cancers are on the upswing, yet many of these cancers could be avoided with better prenatal nutrition.

On the other hand, people NOT taking folic acid, but getting folate from food, have less cancer, based on the level of folate they consume. The more they folate they eat, the less cancer they have. Thus, the natural form is protective, while the artificial form promotes cancer.

Here are some more links you may be interested in:

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