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FHE Lesson on Attitudes and Aura

Family Home Evening discussions we are always looking for good things to talk about with our kids, you may find some topis that you would like to use too. I will tag all the FHE lessons to this area .I don't know about you, but my family seems to need having the "attitude is everything so pick a good one" reminder a lot.

I'll start off with a nice quote I found." the longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on my life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than sucesses, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company, a church, a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change or past,..we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude...I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you...we are in charge of our ATTITUDE." Charles Swindoll

Auras….I know that sounds really weird, but, in reality auras are linked to our attitudes. Our moods affect the people around us and our cooperation. The way we think and the moods we have actually radiate out. Swedenborg said that our visual auras are both physical and spiritual. Auras are not usually visible here on earth but can be seen in the spiritual world as fiery, gem-like, bright, pearly or diamond like. There can be dark, obstructing or could be light and beautiful.

Here are some interesting comments about auras that Swedenborg made:

“Our aura is like an image of ourselves projected outside of us. An image of everything inside of us.”

“We acquire auras by developing habits. By focusing on themselves they do so consciously at first, but the unconsciously, so that they themselves become blind to it. Still, the habit governs every one of their gestures and words, just as it governs every one of their gestures and thought.”

“In the other life…one individual recognizes another’s character as soon as that person approaches, even if she or he says nothing. This reveals the fact that our inward reaches are somehow active (although we are unaware of it) and that their activity enables others to perceive what kind of spirit we are.”

“ Since ancient times we have seen pictures and paintings of spiritual leaders in various traditions, but the thing in common among them is the halo that surrounds their head and body which is known as the Aura-energy field. The aura is often seen as a mix of fine colored frequencies where each color define it’s own individual nature and characteristic. The vibration of this aura is very fine and subtle so we need very fine instruments to detect it.” In scientific research we have found that the aura is an electromagnetic field of energy that extends around an average healthy body for 4-5 feet.

“Auras also present themselves to the sense through odors, which spirits are much more keenly sensitive to than people on earth are. In fact, auras correspond to smells, amazingly enough…These smells cannot be picked up by an y earthly person except one whose inner senses have been opened to allow companionship with spirits.”

As a side note: Swedenborg also mentions that auras can have a smell in heaven. Smell is the least respected of the senses but smells alert us to things that other senses couldn’t, such as when we smell when food is bad but it looks fine. Also the inner linings of the nose is the only part of the body that has direct contact to the outside world. We have some 350 genes that help us detect up to 10,000 different smells. The nose will trigger a chemical reaction and the signal goes to the cranial nerve directly to where we can detect immediately with out needing time to process. Our body also has the ability to inhibit or crank up smells to help us feel better or when we are sick. Also, another fun side note is that he experienced corresponding smells to states such as intense hatred smelled of a corpse love and faith smelled of perfume from flowers of unlimited variety. It’s also good to note that good smells make you feel good. Aura and mood have a connection to smells as well. Hence aromatherapy is so popular.

Bees also communicate with auras and are similar to spiritual auras. Like bees, we all need to serve the whole, but if there is one person that focuses on themselves it gums up the works of everyone’s efforts. Evil influences have evil auras. Bees actually communicate with a pheromone vapor secreted in their scent glands. that communicates seamlessly and all respond very quickly. Bee communities behave as a whole body. Every bee in the hive touches the queen bee with her pheromone, and can even sense when the queen bee is sick the hives mood is different. The young bees have special brood pheromones to care for them.

Because our auras/ attitudes affect others and our own spirits, we need to be responsible to keep them in check, and use a Spiritual Deodorant . Our moods affect the people around us, and are linked to our attitudes and cooperation. As we try to focus on cultivating positive auras, we should look for and recognize negativity and say “This is not me.”

I loved this little video clip by Prager U about the responsibility of having good attitudes and the power they have on others.

Here are a few other fun videos to share about attitude:

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